Lots of updates needed since its been ages since I’ve posted…..

We recently made a trip to Indiana over Easter weekend. Ian had lots of fun and got to play with Charlie (the dog) and his cousins Trinity and Jackson.

Devilish Cousins

Ian had his second haircut. He looks like quite the handsome little guy.


Swimming Lessons
Ian is taking a baby swim class at the Tonawanda Aquatic and Fitness Center. They have an Olympic size pool as well as a baby/wading pool.

During the first class Ian shivered and was pretty miserable. The second class was much more enjoyable for him. We’re not sure if it was due to him getting used to the class and pool or if it was due to the swim shirt he wore but it went MUCH better. We’re talking smiles and laughing! After class, we even took him in the wading pool to play for a bit!

Subsequent classes have been a lot of fun. Ian really seems to enjoy it!

Random Stuff
Weather is FINALLY starting to break here and we’ve been spending a lot more time outside. Ian’s been taking lots of walks and getting a lot of use out of his wagon. We even took him to the neighborhood park recently! He loooooved the slide. After he went down the slide, he’d lay at the bottom just giggling!
