My name is…Ian Michael

Mommy and Daddy’s special name for me: Punkin pants, Tinkerton James, Bubby, Faker Faker Punkin Baker

My age: 18 months

My height: 35 inches (>95th percentile)

My weight: 25 pounds, 2 ounces (<50th percentile)

My biggest accomplishments this year: Learning to count – so far I can count to 6!

When I grow up, I want to be…a football player: I love hiking things through my legs!

My favorite foods are: juice, cheese, corn on the cob, carrots, tomatoes, hotdogs, pasta (I call it “rooni”), Goldfish crackers

I don’t like to eat…cottage cheese, yuck!

My favorite toys are: cars, phones, and books!

My favorite “toys” of Mommy and Daddy’s are: anything in Mommy’s make-up case, toothbrushes, remote controlls, anything related to the computer and cordless phones!

My favorite books are: “Good Night Moon” and any book that has pictures of trucks!

My favorite things to do outside are: take walks, push my wagon and stroller, play in the sandbox, go to the park, and splash in the pool.

My favorite things to do inside are: play with my toys, explore the kitchen cabinets, and watch tv (“tee-tee”).

My favorite things to do with Daddy: play baseball on the computer, wrestle him while I take a bath, and play cars!

My favorite things to do with Mommy: help Mommy put on make-up in the morning, read books, and swing at the park.

My vocabulary includes: Momma, Dada, Papaw, Nick, bottle, juice, cheese, tomato, hotdog, Hi, Hey, Oh-no, Wow, Whoa, Bye, Bye-Bye, plane, walk, go, boat, water, truck, ball, car, dump truck, night-night, baby, and the list goes on and on. I also make a lot of animal sounds: meow, moo, bark, quack, roar, whiney, and ribbit!

I like to “help” Mommy around the house by…getting all my toys out at once!

When we travel I like to go…visit Indiana relatives and Aunt Courtney and Uncle Jonathan.

My favorite music to listen to on our road trips (or any other time in the car) is…my Disney cd! I can listen to that CDs over and over and OVER again!

Right now I’m learning how to… feed myself with utensils, put things down without throwing them, and hear the word “no” without having a tantrum. Pretty hard stuff to do!

I get very happy and excited when…Mommy & Daddy come home from work each night, Mommy or Daddy comes to get me out of my crib first thing in my morning, snuggling with my blankets, drinking juice, and playing with Papaw.

I get mad when…Mommy & Daddy say “no”, I can’t play with brushes, I have “toys” taken away from me, and when I have to wait too long for food.

I get scared when…I hear unexpectedly loud noises and I have bad dreams.

The best part about being a year and a half old is…playing with great toys and learning new things everyday!

During the next year I hope to…learn more names (like Grammy???), talk in sentences, meet my first cousin, master running, feed myself with utensils, pose for a lot of cute pictures for Mommy, and have LOTS of fun being a “big boy!”