You’re getting to the point where we’re going to have to stop counting your age in months and just start counting by YEARS. Where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital.

We registered you for a gymnastics class this month. We go on Saturday mornings for an hour. You run around the gym like the equipment is going to disappear before you have a chance to fully explore every single piece.

Your favorite part of class is the trampoline which I think secretly amuses the heck out of your Daddy. Only one child is allowed on the trampolines at a time so you’re either being a tramp-hog or you’re throwing a fit because we won’t let you on. We distract you with other things (for example: the foam pit of doom) but you always run right back to the tramp.

Last week I made the mistake of showing you something pretty fun. I got on the tramp with you and started jumping a little. I had you lay down to fully enjoy the bounce experience. From then on, it was over. You insisted every visit to the tramp be done in this way. The instructor couldn’t even get you to stand up. It was funny until you threw a fit every single time I got OFF the tramp. I even turned it into a game where you chased me, trying to grab my hand and pull me back on. Hopefully you’ll have forgotten about this for the next class. Before I started this, you were actually trying to jump on it yourself.

Despite getting a free-ride on the trampoline, gymnastics class We give you a drink and put you in your carseat and you fall asleep in seconds. Ok, it takes longer than seconds but we can tell you’re pretty pooped because when we get you home, you darn near dive into your crib for a nap. I’m talking, limp-limbs-completely-dead-to-the-world-tired. It kinda screws up your nap schedule but we learned our lesson after the first week: if Ian is tired, LET HIM SLEEP!

Your other obsession this month is the movie “Cars”. I’m pretty sure Daddy and I can recite all the dialogue of the movie if somehow the audio broke on the DVD player. We’ve watched this movie so many times in the last month or so that the DVD must be wearing out. You can watch it over and over and over and over. Its replaced JoJo’s Circus and all your other cartoons in your heart. Not to say you won’t take a hit of Little Einstein’s every now and again. But it just doesn’t capture your attention like Cars does.

Like Little Einstein’s, Cars turns you into a bit of a zombie.

Here’s a nice shot of you watching Cars right before changing for bed….I think I see drool coming from your mouth:

You’re so fascinated with this movie, you’d hardly know that you watch it 374 times a week:

I love you big boy!
(Congrats to Aunt Courtney and Uncle Jonathan! They just found out they’re having a bouncing baby boy in February!!!! We can’t wait to see him!!!!)