I had my 28 week OB appt and my 1 hour glucose test on Tuesday.

I got there and in preparation for my glucose test, I had to chug a can of Orange Crush in fives minutes. Needless to say, the baby loooved that. 🙂

After sitting for a bit they took me back for my regular doctors appointment. My weight was good, blood pressure was DOWN from my last visit (YAY!!!), and in my humble opinion the best news of all: NO PROTEIN IN MY URINE!!! Might not sound like a big deal to most people but the elevated blood pressure and protein in my urine at my last appointment can be a sign of bad things. Having neither this time around was a relief.

Baby’s heartbeat was roughly 144. The doctor had a slightly difficult time finding at first. She was looking up near my belly button. This child has pretty much been located waaaaay lower than that based on where I’m feeling kicks, jabs and pretty much all movement.

I asked about the “breech” comment I noted on the ultrasound picture from last week and she said the baby has plenty of time to turn. If they’re not sure where the head is once I start getting internal exams, then they’ll do another ultrasound to verify. I’m not sure what the course of action will be at that point because she was pretty sure the baby would flip. I guess time will tell.

I went back to the waiting room to wait for my 1 hour to be up….they called me back to do the finger prick for the glucose test as well as a quick sample to check my iron. Both came back perfect so I’m all in the clear there.

I go back in 2 weeks. Can you believe the 2 week appts are starting already?!?!?! 11 weeks to go!!!