Clutzy + Pregnant = Recipe for Disaster

So, I’m in the bathroom upstairs putting on makeup and getting ready for work. I hear Ian down in the living room, saying “cheese”. Now, this can mean one of two things. #1. He wants some cheese to eat (usually accompanied by whining and fit throwing if we don’t get it for him fast enough) or #2. he’s getting his picture taken. Since, Mike and I were both in the bathroom getting ready and there was NO whining going on, I had a really bad feeling he’d managed to get his hands on the P&S camera. I went downstairs, without my glasses and with my makeup in my hand, and there the little bugger was, holding the camera.

I got the camera away from him and was on my way back upstairs to finish getting ready when I managed to catch my foot on the lip of the top step. Because it happened so fast and I’m 6 months pregnant, all I was focusing on was NOT landing on my belly. I ended up falling down like a ton of bricks on the landing of our second floor on my side. I had managed to turn my body and land on my side/back of my arm/shoulder so that was good. But becauce I was so focused on NOT landing on my belly, I didn’t break my fall at all and I fell pretty hard on the hardwoods.

I’m clutzy on a good day but w/ a 10lb basketball on the front of me? Its even worse. Ugh. I didn’t have my glasses on so I’m not sure if that added to my clumsiness or not.

So, I calmed Mike down because he was freaked out. It probably sounded like a MAC truck hit the house. Not to mention, I kind slid across the floor past the openning to our bedroom. haha I finished getting ready and took Ian to moms. I had felt the baby kick a handful of times so I was really up in the air about calling the dr. Its a really busy week for me at work and I knew it was going to turn into a several hour project.

Mom thought it would be best to call (and I was starting to have doubts about not calling) so I called the dr office and got the on-call service. The OB on call at one of the local hospitals called w/in 30 mins and said that she was hesistant on how to handle because she thought everything was ok (because I was feeling movement). She told me to wait until the office opened at 9am and to call them about coming in for some monitoring.

I finally got through with the OBs office and they had me come in right away. I saw a NP and the baby sounded good (strong HB, lots of movement). I’m measuring a week ahead and had a smidge of protein in my urine. My BP was a little elavated but pretty much within my normal range.

She asked an U/S tech to squeeze me in for a quick U/S to check that everything looked ok. The U/S tech said all looked good. She switched over to 3D/4D mode (which I’ve never had done before) and I got ot see the baby’s face. I wish Mike could have been there too. It was the coolest thing to see!

My next appt is next Tuesday when I’ll have my 1hr glucose test. I’m interested to see what the BP and urine results look at. This was the first time I’ve had protein in my urine….

So, to recap:
I’m a complete dumbass, the baby is beautiful and I got to work 3 hours late.

Here are a few of the U/S pictures!!! They didn’t upload/scan in as clear at they are in real life but they’re really cool to look like. The baby kinda has its left hand/arm beside its face.

Looks like Ian is going to have a little look-alike! 🙂