I had my 36 OB appointment and another ultrasound today.
OB portion of the visit was good:
-blood pressure was “perfect”
-weight was good
-urine was good
-baby’s heartbeat was good (160-something during the ultrasound)
I’m still measuring big…roughly around 40 weeks.
The ultrasound showed that the baby’s growth is still consistent with the prior ultrasound. That means the baby is big and consistently growing.
Right now, they are estimating that the baby is 7 pounds 11 ounces. The technician did say that the estimate could be off by 30% (2.4 lbs in either direction). So, we’re talking the baby is in the 5lbs 6oz to 10 lbs 1oz weight range. Right now. At 4 weeks before my due date. Holy moses!!!
Based on the weight estimate and other measurement, they are putting the baby’s development at roughly 39w3d. So, in essence, in terms of my size and the baby’s growth, I have a full baked baby in there.
Measurements of the arms and legs made the technician comment that it was a “long” baby. Now there’s a shocker! I’m sure the baby gets that from me!
I had my GB step test and an internal exam done. I’m only a fingertip dialated and the baby is still really high. I’m not sure if I’m even really “that” dialated. Seems like the doctor was just trying to make me feel better. haha
No progress at this point which is okay I guess. I’m hoping things get moving soon-ish. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to tough it out another 4 weeks if this child keeps on packing on the pounds.
I go back next Thursday…which, if you’ve super observant, you’d know was the exact point in my pregnancy with Ian when my water broke and I went into labor.
For those you who care:
-my 36 week appointment with Ian was with Dr Rush
-my 36 week appointment with this baby was with Dr Rush
-my 37 week appointment with Ian was with Nurse Cheryl
Guess who my 37 week appointment with this baby is???? You guessed it, Nurse Cheryl!
How strange is that?
By the way, with Ian, I had my 37 week appointment on a Tuesday morning…she told me I could go up to a week overdue based upon my internal exam. 2 days later my water broke. Maybe I’ll have the same luck this time around.
Ultrasound shots!!!
Baby’s face is turned toward the left. You can see the noes and mouth and the baby’s arm down below.
Baby’s foot
On left is the heel/ankle. Then you can see the bottom of the foot really clearly with the toes flexed down a little.