Kinda crappy pictures but I’m just too pregnant to care. Mike took these pictures of me outside…hence the siding and random black electrical line. 🙂
The ginormous belly…7 pounds of baby in there:
My ginormous self:
The nursery is done and just waiting for a baby!!! We had previously used this room as Ian’s nursery and done all the decor as neutral so there really isn’t anything “new” here. The only thing that is new-ish is the bassinet which we borrowed from some friends…
I’m so proud of Ian’s new big boy room. I’m really interior-design-challenged and it was a huge struggle for me to pick furniture and decor. Picking the bedding was easy (especially if you know anything about Ian) but the rest of it? A big project to say the least!
I struggled on every decision. Literally every decision. But none were as hard as deciding how to go about hanging the wall decor. Huge shout out to Mom: without her, the wall decor would still be hiding in the closet, unhung.
We got everything up on the walls Sunday night (FINALLY) so….here’s Ian’s big boy room!
His room from the door:
“Rug” on the floor is actually foam squares that we got from Sam’s Club. I have white curtains hanging w/ white sheers underneath:
Finials that are on the ends of the curtain rod as well as the two tie-backs:Smaller dresser next to closet w/ my fav picture of Ian ever as well as 2 special stuffed animals. AND the letters!!! I PAINTED, BOWED AND GLUED!!!! BY MYSELF!!!! (can you tell I’m a chronic project-starter-never-finisher?)
Taller dresser next to the doorway/across from the window with a few more special pictures and a Tonka lamp that perfectly matches his bedding (I got from Craigslist- my first/only Craigslist steal! woo!). The measuring chart that is leaning on the wall was a gift to us from a friend when Ian was born.
The side view so you can see the ends of the shelf on the wall:
Posters I found online and framed:
Frame hanging over Ian’s bed….Mike’s very good friend Dale bought this for Ian’s christening. Its a single share of Disney stock that has been framed. As we were beginning to decorate Ian’s room, I remembered that we had it in the basement and when we pulled it out, it matched PERFECTLY. I was so excited to be able to finally use it and hang it up.
AND (no picture but I still wanted to share), I got Ian a Disney’s Cars toddler bed sheet set as a backup set of bedding. Between the other “Cars” accessories he has (a mini-Lightening McQueen beanie, a small square pillow, a throw, the Mater nightlight, etc), his room, in the blink of an eye, turns into a Cars themed room. Its like a reversible room!!! haha