We had Matthew’s 1mo pediatrician appointment on the Friday (7/18/08) before we left for Indiana….

Pediatrician appointment was pretty quick and uneventful. They wanted us in to double check Matthew’s weight since he was a little slow to gain his birth weight back. He’s definitely gained weight so they were really happy to see that.

Matthew has a blocked tear duct but it appears to be getting better. The doctor gave us tips on how to massage it if it seems to get worse. So far so good in that dept.

Doctor seemed stunned with Matthew’s eating. He’s taking atleast 5 oz of formula about every 3-4 hours. I figured he’s taking about 30 oz a day. I think he already is eating more than Ian does now…he’s a friggin tank.

He also is doing really well sleep-wise. He’s going about 5-5.5hrs during the night and only taking 1 bottle. The doctor couldn’t believe how well he’s sleeping.

Here are the stats….

Birth- 21in
1mo- 23.25in

He’s in the 89th percentile for length…looks like he’s going to follow in his brother’s footsteps and be really tall. He’s already growing out of his newborn clothes.

Kinda funny…the nurse measured his length and couldn’t believe the increase when she entered it into the computer. She measured again to make sure she had it right. 🙂

Birth- 8lbs 8oz
1mo- 10lbs 4oz

Holy chunky monkey! No weight concerns anymore. I think this was roughly the 50th percentile for weight. I have a feeling he’s going to be a chubbier boy than Ian was…you can really see it in Matthew’s cheeks. Much fuller than Ian’s were.

I checked Ian’s weight at his first monthly visit and he was 10lbs 11oz at his 2 month pediatrician appointment. Its going to be interesting to see how they compare over time!

We go back in a month! Here are some pictures from our trip!

Me with Matthew in Muncie:

Matthew fresh from his bath:

Which one is Ian and which one is Matthew????