Yes, we did actually get a nice picture despite all the finger-biting and bobble-heading. 🙂
Yes. You did, indeed, read that right. What can I say? We like to eat our children….. Remember this gem? Mom managed to snap a picture of Mike nibbling on Ian’s head in July of 2006. I have no idea why Mike was doing it but unfortunately it was captured on camera and thus burned […]
This is what it looks like when your bobble-headed son bobbles right into the temple of your glasses: Poor baby!
Continue reading about When bad things happen to good people
We took a leap of faith today and it paid off! After church today, we were discussing the plan for the rest of the day. Mike and I were starving and didn’t know what we wanted for lunch. Mike throws out a “you want to try to take the boys to Olive Garden?”….so we did. […]