1. Matthew is sleeping in his crib

…and as you can see, he LOVES it. 🙂 This picture was taken in the morning after his first night in the crib (10/19/08). Apparently the flash is a bit SHOCKING. 🙂

2. Ian got a new carseat

He’s now in a combo convertible/booster carseat. When he outgrows the 5-point harness portion of the carseat, it converts into a seat belt positioning booster. And once he’s tall enough, it converts to a seat-only booster. Pretty cool, huh? As you can see, he enjoys being such a big boy. 🙂

3. Matthew is in a new carseat too!
Now that Ian’s moved up to a new seat, Matthew has been moved into Ian’s old seat. Which is a darn good thing because I don’t think I was physically capable of carrying him around in the carrier anymore. 🙂

4. Ian drew something!!!!

He’s all into doodling or into YOU drawing things for him. But recently, he’s started drawing for himself. I know it will come as NO surprise that his first “drawing” is, you guessed it, a road. 🙂


Ian Michael!!!! Last night (11/8/08), Ian wanted Daddy to help him with something and Daddy told Ian that he needed to go potty first. Ian followed Daddy to the potty and said “Ian go pee-pees on the potty?” Mike took off Ian’s pants and diaper and Ian sat right down on his little potty chair and peed! Woo hoo!!! We called pretty much everyone in the family to share the good news AND Ian got a cool blue star sticker. Hopefully he keeps up the great work!

6. BIG boy eating!

Guess who is a big boy and decided to eat cereal for the first time last night (11/8/08) ?!?!??! Matthew Robert!!!! As expected, he really didn’t get the eating off the spoon thing. He kind of sucked it off. 🙂 But he really seemed to like it so I’m sure we’ll be giving him more on a daily basis.

7. Check our next post for a video of the cereal feeding taken by Daddy.

Just so you know, we corrected the fit of both carseats after the photos were taken. Both boys fit better in their seats now. 🙂