that we had sponsored a little girl from El Salvador.

If you’d like to refresh your memory, here’s a link:

Since we adopted her, we’ve gotten some communications back from the agency that manages the process. Mostly informational items to educate us on how the program works, how our money is spent, and what benefits our sponsor child receive.

They also sent us a form to fill out with more information on our family and home-life. I filled it out and put in a picture of us as well as a few sheets of rainbow stickers for Mirian to enjoy.

This past week, we actually received our first communication back from her.

Below is a letter written in Spanish and translated into English as well as a picture that was colored for us by Mirian. 🙂

Spanish letter:
Letter - Spanish

English translation:
Letter - English

and Mirian’s picture:
Mirian's artwork

We can’t wait to get more mail and follow Mirian’s progress as she grows up.