As if having a completely broken computer isn’t crappy enough, I had the misfortune of being the parent responsible for accompanying Ian to his 3 year well-child visit. I say misfortune because Ian has a hate-hate relationship with the pediatrician.

We talked about the doctors appointment a little bit trying to mentally prepare Ian for the torture that awaited him. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to work. He screamed the entire time…the second we left mom’s driveway until pretty much the doctor told us we could leave. At the top of his lungs. SCREAMING.

The entire drive to the office, he was screaming “No! Go to Ian’s house!”. He really wanted to go home and was pretty ticked off as we were going but once we got there? More screaming but it turned into a frantic, dead-man-walking experience. He was completely panicked. You could see it in his eyes…and he was shaking.

Mental note for next year: take the last appt of the day that way if he wigs out again, there are far fewer people around to witness the scene. πŸ™

I have to hand it to the office staff, nurse and doctor. They pretty much rushed us back to an examining room and the nurse and doctor were amazingly patient with Ian. They tried really hard to pull Ian from his fit. I’m planning to send them a note thanking them.

The only time he remotely calmed down was when the doctor got done [wrestling with him when] looking at his ears. Ian stopped wigging out to do a little giggle and say “that tickles”. After that, he perked up a bit.

Once we got out of the examining room and checked out, Ian was Mr. Personality. He charmed a few ladies on the elevator ride down to the first floor. πŸ™‚

Momma cried all the way home. πŸ™

Ian’s stats:
Height – 39 inches (97th percentile)
Weight – 30lbs (50th percentile)