Gotta love Ian. You give the kid an inch and he takes a mile. He’s too darn smart for his own good.

Ian has now gone from the “I refuse to poop” extreme to the “I’m going to sit on the potty all day long in the hopes that I can squeeze out a tiny little poop nugget so that I can get a new Matchbox car” extreme.

After Ian had his big, post-field trip poop and got his car reward, he had an epiphany. Poop = new cars!!!

He LITERALLY sat on the potty for about an hour yesterday, just trying to poop. He managed to squeeze out some small, grape-sized poops and get a new car.

Since Ian is trying to abuse the situation, we’ve now instituted a 3-car-poop-reward limit. He can poop all he wants but he’s only getting 3 cars per day. 🙂

On a related note, anyone have any advice on how to break them of the toy reward once you’ve got them trained?!?!?!?!