Again, another uneventful visit. Just a quick check up, 3 shots (boo!) and 2 blood draws (required by NYS).

The nurse took us back, asked the normal questions and did Matthew’s weight, length and head measurements. After a short wait, the doctor came in to do his exam.

Matthew was a little sweetheart during the exam. Sat quietly and looked at the doctor suspiciously. Mostly he just wanted to grab the doctor’s stethoscope! 🙂

The nurse came back to do Matthew’s blood draw and shots. He was such trooper during the blood draw and didn’t cry or get upset. Very different from Ian who SCREAMED bloody murder (an ongoing trend at his appointments as we’d come to find out). After they got all the blood they needed, Matthew got 3 shots. Poor thing just sobbed. 🙁 It took a bit to get him calmed but he managed to survive the heartbreak. 🙂

I made an appointment for him to go back at 15 months.

Weight: 23 lbs 15.65 oz (67th percentile)
Length: 32.75 inches (>97th percentile)
Head: Not sure of the number but it was the 67th percentile

Based off of Matthew’s stats against the growth charts, it looks like he hit a growth spurt. Instead of following a nice arch like the averages on the chart, Matthew’s height and weight stats shot up in almost a vertical line.

As an interesting comparison, Ian and Matthew were the same length at their 1 year appointments but Matthew’s weight is 2 lbs heavier than Ian’s was at the same age. Matthew has consistently been a pound to two pounds heavier than Ian was at the same age. Very interesting since Matthew seems like such a chubby thing compared to Ian. 🙂