
As expected, both boys LOVED it. LOVED.


I think Ian was a bit intimidated by the “playground” in the wading pool. The fountains splash hard streams of water and the kids on it are pretty rambunctious. I think it was a bit overwhelming. He liked it…but he was a bit clingy.

He and Mike took a few walks to the other pool and had a nice time over there. It’s just a regular ol’ boring pool so there are less people in it and its much more tame. He kept having to go back to the wading pool.

As you can see, it was hard to tear his eyes away. 🙂


Matthew LOVED the shallow part of the pool. Little man got really frustrated with me for not letting him crawl off and explore at his leisure but he was trying to crawl in water that would have been way over his head. He wouldn’t stick to water shallow enough to crawl in.

I did entertain him by swinging him through the water. He just squealed and shrieked while I did that. People around us were giggling at him. It was too cute. I had to stop periodically because I was worried that the lifeguards would mistake his happiness for someone in imminent danger. lol

We’ll have to sign Matthew up for lessons because he was desperately trying to swim. Swinging his arms. Kicking his legs. He seemed to know exactly what to do…just annoying ol’ mom and her insistence on holding onto him kept him from swimming off into the sunset. 😉

After a bit in the pool, Matthew and I went back to our space under the tent. Little man needed time out for a bottle and to decompress in the shade.



He chugged his bottle in record time and then threw a fit when the formula was gone. I had to pour some regular milk in his bottle and let him suck down another 5 ounces. Perhaps he was parched? 15 ounces is a lot to consume for such a wee little guy! After that he seemed a bit more happy.


He played with some toys that I brought and made silly cheesy faces for the camera…



Soon after he got done with the bottle, Matthew “hit the wall”. Not too surprising since he really didn’t get much of a nap all day long.

He really wasn’t happy to be told “no” when attempting to play with other people’s belongings. He desperately wanted to chew on some poor little girl’s goggles and comb. I had already moved her stuff 2x and moved Matthew to the other side of the lawn chairs a couple of times. Once he set his eyes on them, I couldn’t keep him away.

I know, I know. I mean. I’m sure that little girl wouldn’t mind mini bite marks on her comb. 🙂 The main motive behind the video was to get Matthew’s lower-lip-pouting action on video for the world to see. It’s too damn cute. 🙂

Shortly after I recorded this video of Matthew, we had to pack everything up. The pool was closing soon and Matthew wasn’t a happy camper.


We loaded up everyone into the car and headed home….Ian was a little sad but we promised we’d be back!