Nothing too exciting to note about this appointment. Just the same old routine. Height, weight and head measurements were taken. The doctor and nurse asked questions to see if Matthew is meeting his age-appropriate milestones.

Matthew weighed in at 26lbs 10oz (77th percentile) and was 33.0 inches tall (92nd percentile). He really seemed to level off height-wise and gained just shy of 3 lbs since his 1 year appointment. He’s a big boy!

In comparison, Matthew weighed more at his 15 month appointment than Ian did at his 18 month appointment. In addition, Ian was an inch and a half longer at 15 months.

I asked the doctor about Matthew’s lack of speaking and they thought he sounds pretty normal (normal: 3 words plus “mama” and “dada”). I’m not so sure Matthew has 5 words in total but I’d say he has four: mama, dada, bites, bottle. He also does the sign for “all done” and will wave “bye-bye”. The doctor was more concerned with whether he’d follow simple instructions and whether he appeared to understand us. He does so they weren’t concerned.

(Of course, 2-3 days after I have this conversation with the pediatrician, the little turkey decides to add “all done” and “down” to his list of words. Wouldn’t you know he’d go and do that?)

After our visit with the pediatrician, Matthew received 3 vaccinations and a flu shot. Poor baby was sooooo upset by his shots. 🙁 His arms were sore for a day or two afterward too. 🙁

We go back in January for his 18 month appointment. Hopefully Matthew’s 18 month appointment goes better than Ian’s….it is at this point in the process that Ian realized the doctors office isn’t such a fun place to be and he’s thrown major fits ever since.