Like normal, I headed over to mom and dad’s to help prep our Thanksgiving lunch while Mike kept the boys out of our hair. Mom, Rachel and I chat while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade on TV and prepare lunch.

Mike and I thought Matthew would skip his morning nap since he got up late….but we were mistaken:


Unfortunately, he got a REALLY short nap and was a bit of a grump afterward.

Mike brought the boys over to my parents and we set up a quick photo shoot to get some pictures to send to Courtney and the gang:



We went back inside and waited for mom to finish mashing potatoes….



After an awesome Thanksgiving lunch and nap time for the little guys, we went over to Great Grandpa Samulski’s house to have Thanksgiving dinner with Mike’s family.

Like normal, Matthew tried to see how close he could get to the TV:


Ian and Matthew modeled the “Pil-drin” hat Ian made at school:



We had a really great dinner and then settled in to watch tv and the boys play.

They had a really great time spinning in circles on this chair. Their laughter made all of us smile. 🙂



It was a great Thanksgiving!!!