I’ve been a busy scrapper. Two Peas in a Bucket is running a free Digi 101 class on digital scrapbooking this year and the first class was this week. The assignment was to create a scrap page from one of their free kits. This was my submission for the class: Scrapping resources:-Template: Simple Starts […]
Okay, not really but my “Together We Stand” layout was featured on a scrapping website along with other layouts as (and I quote) “fantastic examples of “real life” scrapbooking”! CHECK IT OUT! How ’bout that?!?! Not too shabby for someone who’s only scrapped 12 pages, don’t you think?
It’s an old picture but one that I love. Scrapping resources:-Template: Template # 28-Kit: My Little Cupcake-Rounded Square Text Paths: Journal Bundle-Font: Century Gothic, Times New Roman and Miso Happy
I got some feedback that my blog readers (all 6 of you) would like me to post bigger pictures of my Project 365 layouts so you can read the journaling. Instead of posting bigger pictures (which will make the blog look wonky), I decided to post a link to view the picture bigger. All you […]
CLICK HERE TO SEE IT LARGER! Scrapping resources:-Template: Little Moments, Big Memories-Week/Digital Scrapbook Place-Background #1: Cabanarama by Brandy Buffington/2ps-Background #2, background #3 and week stamps: A Year to Remember: Project 365 by Little Dreamer Designs-Days of week and “week of” labels: Cathy Zielske’s Layered Template 26 at Designer Digitals-Alpha: Times New Roman