Sorry this is so late, I was avoiding the photo editing process like the plague. πŸ™‚

Ian’s birthday fell in the middle of the week so we planned to split the festivities in two. Wednesday (his actual birthday) would be spent with my side of the family and then Saturday, with Mike’s family.

Wednesday, Mike and I rushed through some post-work errands and then got home to prep dinner and the house for the birthday party. We had the crockpot going all day to make a homemade tomato-y pot roast type recipe (I will post at a later date about this) and all we had left to do was make the roasted garlic new potatoes. Mike was already most of the way done on the potatoes by the time I got home so I focused on decorating the house and getting everything else ready.

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Close up of the 3 layer cake I made earlier in the week:
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In hindsight, I shouldn’t have put the presents out early because Ian nagged for about an hour and half to open them.

Ian opened the presents soooo sloooowly.

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It was a great birthday!


Saturday, Mike’s parents and sister came over to our house to celebrate Ian’s birthday. We went to Red Robin for lunch where Matthew attempted to break a world record on the number of napkins used in any one meal (and make me go insane in the process). After a crazy and hectic meal, we went back home and did presents and ice cream.

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(Matthew was such a mess at the restaurant that I took his shirt off and he wore his white undershirt home. LOL)

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We all had a wonderful time on Saturday!


On Thursday afternoon, I took Ian to his 4 year well child visit at the pediatrician’s office. I was a little worried about how he’d do because several of his visits have gone really bad. I warned him where we were going and promised him a trip to the library and to get some ice cream if he acted like a big boy. On our way there, I told him that he wasn’t getting any “arm medicine” (shots) and that the doctor wanted to see how big and tall he was growing. That all they would do is weigh him, measure how tall he was, look in his ears and mouth, etc, etc.

He kind of freaked out about the exam while we were in the examining room with the nurse (particularly the ears/mouth thing) so the nurse did a good job of easing his fears. Ian felt much better about it after she went through a super fast, simplified version of the doctor’s exam. He got changed into an open backed gown and we waited for the doctor to come in.

When the doctor came in, Ian kind of got scared again but did a good job of keeping it under control. The doctors showed me Ian’s height and weight on the percentile chart thingy (very technical terminology). Ian was 44 inches tall (94%) and 39 pounds (81%). I was a little freaked out about that 81% on weight but the doctor showed me his BMI chart which basically showed that he had a completely healthy BMI. If anything, in the past he was leaning more towards the underweight/too skinny side of life. This pretty much “meshes” with my overall perception of his body/weight. He seems to be a very healthy, proportional size and the BMI calculation supports that.

The doctor noticed that Ian hadn’t been in to see them since his well child visit last year when he turned 3. How about that! Pretty healthy for a little guy!

Next up was the questions and physical portion of the visit. Ian did a pretty good job pushing through the fear when his mouth and ears were examined. I think next year he’ll be that much braver!

I asked the doctor about Ian’s mouth because Ian had been sleeping poorly and constantly asking for medicine. He’d also been complaining about “cuts in his mouth”. When I asked Ian if his throat hurt, he’d tell me “no” so I had no idea what was going on. The pediatrician looked in his mouth and said he was starting to cut his molars. So, that would explain the “cuts in his mouth” issue. Since then, Ian really hasn’t complained about it too much.

Ian’s all caught up on his shots so after I got him dressed, we were clear to go run our errands. We don’t go back until he turns (::gulp::) 5!