I sat down at the computer today to assess where I am on my photos. I had to go back to April to find the last batch of photos that were edited. So basically, I need to catch up from April 20th to today.

I made a list of the dates that had photos that need edited and counted about 50 days with unedited photos. And you know there are multiple photos taken on each day. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Holy overwhelming task, Batman!

I also made note of which days have pictures that I want to share on the blog (Mother’s Day, Virginia/Kaitlyn, Father’s Day, Matthew’s birthday, Ian’s field trip, 4th of July, etc). I will probably address those photos first so that I can bring the blog (and my 10 readers) up to date with our life. LOL

That allows me to work on the rest of the photos, little by little, over the course of a few weeks. Honestly, the majority of the photos to be edited are wrapped around those big events that I want to blog about. Once I get those finished, getting the rest done will be no big deal.

I edited all my 4th of July photos today so I might share those this week, out of order. We’ll see. It might torment me too much to share photos out of order. LOL