Mike’s good friend Dale got married yesterday. Dale and Mike have been friends since they were in grade school together, so nearly 20 years or so. Dale stood up in our wedding and yesterday was Mike’s turn to stand up in Dale’s.

Dale and Allison threw a really great party. We had a ton of fun at the reception and couldn’t be happier for the newlyweds.

I didn’t take too many pictures because I just wanted to enjoy the day (instead of trying to document everything). Here are a few of the pictures and videos from their wedding. 🙂

Mike, in the church, in between seating guests:

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(The church wasn’t air conditioned and it was pretty warm. Particularly if you’re wearing a full suit. Hence the red face.)

Dale and Allison at the altar:

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Mike and I after the ceremony:

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Cake table:

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And…some videos!

Mike stepped away to get us some drinks and the DJ announced a few special songs that had been requested for Dale. All I had on me was my phone so after I recorded a few minutes with my phone, I had to stop and go grab the other camera to get the second song:

My gazelle-like husband having a dance off to “Single Ladies”:

(Yes, I was laughing during the video. LOL)