On June 22, I started a training program called Couch to 5K. The program is 9 weeks long and eases you into running by alternating walking and jogging. Each week you progressively do more jogging and less walking until week 9 when you jog for 30 minutes straight.
My ultimate goal is to run an 8K (5 mile) race on Thanksgiving but the overall point is to get into shape and exercise.
I decided to register for a 5K (3.1 mile) race on 9/26/10 in an attempt to keep me motivated training-wise since I started running about 5 months before my goal race.
I had some pretty lofty goals for my first race:
Goal #1: DO NOT FINISH LAST – This was pretty much my worst nightmare. I imagine the last place finisher crossing a finish line that has been half pulled down and is deserted by the crowd. I really didn’t want to be the person that was holding up the show.
Goal #2: FINISH – As dumb as it sounds, for me running is more about *not* listening to the “I can’t do it” thoughts in my head telling me to walk or worse, just quit. I logically know that I CAN do it…but the entire time I run, I have to ignore the little devil Amanda telling me go home and take a nap.
The route (in red):
Mike and the boys dropped me off at Alumni Arena around 8:15AM so that I could pick up my timing chip that needed to be attached to my shoe. That took roughly 15 seconds and then I had an hour and 15 minutes to wait for the start of the race. I spent most of that time wandering around Alumni Arena, people watching, playing with my phone and texting mom. With about 15 minutes to go until race time, I did a last minute potty break and then headed outside to get adjusted to the cooler temps.
Before long, people started heading to the starting line so I walked over too. And promptly placed myself in the very back. As in, I think maybe there were 3 people standing behind me. LOL
The event organizers made a few announcements, played some music, took a picture of the crowd (similar to this one from last year: http://ubstudentaffairs.zenfolio.com/lyr/e3455d3ed#h3455d3ed) and the race began.
When we started off, I had some issues with my phone/ipod. As I was fixing my headphones to turn it on, my headphones unplugged and detached from the case. As I was trying to fix THAT, my phone fell out of my arm band and dropped on the ground. I fairly quickly recovered but I didn’t start running until probably a minute and a half into the race.
Once I got my technical issues resolved and started running, I fairly quickly passed a bunch of people (mostly walkers LOL) and settled into my normal pace (a damn slow pace). There were groups of UB students along the race course cheering us on which was amusing, entertaining and very much appreciated.
I was easily able to run a mile and a half but was running at a pace that was probably faster than I was used to previously. I had picked a random person in front of me and was using them as my pacer/trying to keep an equal distance between us. At the half way point, I was really feeling it and decided to walk. I probably only walked 1-2 minutes before I decided running slower was easier. My faster than normal pace made walking feel bizarrely uncomfortable.
So, I kept on running. After a quick water break and passing the 2 mile marker, I decided to walk again but don’t think I walked more than 1 minute. It was the same deal, walking was worse than running. And, I didn’t like losing sight of my pacer. LOL
I ended up picking another person as my pacer and started running again. Not too long after I came across my own little cheering squad!
Could you hear Ian screaming “you’re winning, Mommy!!!!”? LOL I sure do love that kid.
(Little did he know that by this point, people who had FINISHED THE RACE were passing us on their way BACK TO THEIR DORMS!!! Jerks!!! LOL)
I could see them cheering me on but I couldn’t actually hear what they were saying. I could hear Matthew wigging out (over the noise of the people cheering AND the music in my headphones) about a block away. LOL Apparently, Matthew really wanted to race with me.
Mike and the boys packed up and headed over to the finish line to meet up with mom and dad while I continued running the last bit of less than a mile.
It got pretty rough at this point. I was freakin’ exhausted. The running program I use on my phone had long since finished it’s workout program (5 minute walking warm up, 30 minute run and 5 minute walking cool down) and I.WAS.STILL.RUNNING. LOL
Mom called my phone (which I was able to answer with my handsfree iPhone earbuds) and asked how it was going. I told her I was ready for it to be over. Unfortunately, when she called, it stopped my music. I lacked the energy or interest in getting the music started again so I ran in silence. I was nearly at the 3 mile marker and knew I didn’t have long to go.
My cheering section at the finish line:
At this point, I was running behind a girl that had a motivational coach or two running with her, giving her encouragement. I stuck close to them until the end when I saw the blessed finish line.
I got a bit of an energy burst and passed the girl with the entourage and headed for the finish. I saw mom standing at the line with the camera and heard the announcer tell everyone in WNY that my name was Amanda and that I was finishing my first 5K ever. LOL Mom thought I was embarrassed but mostly I was so damn glad to be at the end that he could have given my weight and BMI and I wouldn’t have cared. I actually thought it was kind of funny. LOL
I ran past the finish line where a very friendly guy told me I could stop running and to go get the chip cut off my shoe. I was so tired I pretty much walked over to have it done on auto-pilot.
I got a glass or three of water and then walked over to a sidewalk to sit.
Gun time: 47:30
Chip time: 46:37
(It took me more than a minute to cross the starting line after the gun went off. I told you I was in the very back of the crowd!)
Chip pace: Based on my chip time which accurately recorded the timed length of my run, my average pace was 15:02.
(I told you I was slow as hell!)
Overall: 1095/1121
Sex: 521/541
Age group: 59/60
(I didn’t finish in last in ANY category!!! Woo hoo!)
Soooo, I met both goals. I finished my first race and NOT in last place!!!
Another point to note, if you assume I walked 5 minutes of the race between the start and the 2 short walking breaks I took, that means I ran roughly 41:37 minutes. My previous “long” run time was 30 minutes. That means I ran almost 12 minutes longer than ever before. That’s a HUGE jump!!! (If you don’t think it’s a big jump, I think you should run for 41:37 minutes and get back to me. )
Was the race fun? Eh. Not fun like going on a rollercoaster or going to the movies is fun. It definitely wasn’t the most enjoyable way to spend 47 minutes of my life but I was very glad to do it. I was very proud of myself for finishing the race, meeting both goals AND running for 41 minutes!
Not too shabby for someone who had difficultly running more than 60 seconds at a time back in June!
I will probably register for more 5K races but not until after my 8K in November. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do the 8K without walking breaks but I’d like to try another 5K down the road and do it without walking.
I’d like to focus on increasing my speed. Ideally, I’d like to run a 10 minute mile but I have a LOT of work to do to get to that point. If I ran faster, I would consider doing more races of varying lengths. But, as I said, I have a lot of work to do before I get to a 10 minute mile.