Every year since I can remember, we’ve played bingo after Christmas. We’re serious players…we play for cash, baby!

In the beginning, we played in Indiana and there were two or three rooms filled with people playing. As families have grown and spread out across the country, the location and dynamic of the game has changed a bit. But one thing stays the same, no one stands in the way of a good game of bingo!

This year, we planned to put the 3 youngest family members to bed for the night while the adults and Ian stayed up to play. Matthew and Andrew wanted nothing to do with sleep so they ended up underfoot the entire time. We tried letting them play independently in another room but they needed extra supervision to keep them quiet (so Siss could sleep). As a result, one adult needed to take turns sitting in the family room with them while the rest of us played.

This year was also the first year for Ian to play. We have a sight words bingo game at home that he totally “gets” so we figured a regular bingo game would be fine. (Especially since he mastered his letters and numbers about 3 years ago.) We were a bit wrong. Ian was completely capable of playing the game but he had a hard time staying quiet and a hard time keeping up with the pace of the game by himself. He didn’t want to sit still either and seemed to get bored periodically. We played a board for him but he wasn’t completely into it. Once he finally won a round on his board, he left the table and joined the 2 little guys to watch TV. Maybe next year, it will go a little smoother!

Ready to get his bingo on:

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Someone decided he didn’t want to sleep and instead maybe wants to play:

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Ian decided to take a break from card playing and help Aunt Courtney be the bingo caller:

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He actually didn’t do too bad at calling the letters/numbers but he was a bit slow. Since we’d already had about 4.2 million interruptions (from the 2 year olds in the house), we couldn’t really afford to go as slow as Ian needed.

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While the little hellions weren’t running around, squealing/screaming and being otherwise disruptive, they laid together on the family room couch and watched a Thomas movie:

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