
You’re probably wondering what on Earth happened to me in May, right? 2 blog posts in 31 days is pretty crappy, right?

Well, let’s talk about May. 🙂

I was training for a 5K (2 5Ks actually). This included a weekly run Thursday evenings at UB with the Fleet Feet No Boundaries group.

Mike was in Cooperstown from 5/3-5/5 for a work conference.

We had Ian’s CPSE meeting at his school on 5/3.

The boys got haircuts in preparation for Aunt Rachel’s wedding.

Mike and I went to see Wicked.

Mother’s Day.

I had the April month end close.

I also had multiple conference calls and meetings at work for random projects that got dumped on my desk at the last minute.

Mommies and Muffins event at Matthew’s preschool.

All 3 boys were fitted for and picked up tuxes for the wedding.

We had the wedding rehearsal. And rehearsal dinner.

On the 14th, Aunt Rachel got married.

Ian had his UPK farm field trip.

I hit our 180 day mark for making dining reservations for Disney.

Then I went out of town for 4 days for work conferences.

Matthew had his last day of 2 year old preschool.

We started potty training Matthew.

We also had multiple t-ball games, a 2-hour kindergarten orientation meeting, a NKOTBSB concert, Mike’s volunteer session at the Little League concession stand, Memorial Day cookout, and last but not least…..

I sprained my ankle:

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I know it’s kind of hard to see but my foot is bruised from my heal to pretty much my toes. (Please excuse the fact that I clearly need a pedicure.)

I’m sure it comes as no surprise when I tell you that I couldn’t be happier to have the month of May 2011 behind us. Hopefully, I can get caught up on blogging soon.