The next day (7/17), the Alts arrived in Muncie. Whenever we get everyone together, I usually stop taking pictures. There are typically way too many people in any given space and my camera is never nearby. On this day, we went to a cookout at the Wagner’s house. I’m not exaggerating when I say there were 11 kids in attendance, 7 of which were 3 years and younger. Holy flippin’ chaos!!! Needless to say, no pictures were taken that day. We were too busy trying to make sure our kids didn’t throw a tv out a window or climb out on their roof. LOL
Our last day in town (7/18), we did the standard routine but I actually took a few pictures this day. All 6 of them. 😉
Court and the kids at Grammy and Papaw Jones’s house:
I really wish Siss was more in focus:
Very serious little girl….trying to figure out who I am and what the heck I’m holding in front of my face:
The good news is, I’m kind of silly so I got some smiles:
I got a smile out of this one but he couldn’t tear his eyes from the tv:
Silly Aunt Amanda:
Later that night, Courtney, mom, Aunt Sherri and I all went to the movies to see Harry Potter at the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. It was AWESOME!!!
The last day of our trip was Tuesday, July 19th. We got ready quickly and were able to pack up the car fast. We were on the road pretty early and made good time driving home. We only stopped one time, at lunch time, to get gas and eat. We had another potty incident on the way home with Matthew but I’ll spare you the details on that. LOL
Thankfully, Mike and I took Wednesday off of work so that we could do laundry and just chill out from our vacation. It was a fun but exhausting trip and we were glad to be home.