We actually finished Ian’s room a month ago and I have pictures to share from that (as well as Matthew’s first day of school).  Unfortunately, the second we finished Ian’s room, we started another project.

We are currently painting the living room, dining room, stairwell and upstairs hallway.  Not only are we putting 2-3 coats of paint on the walls but the ceiling needed painted and we’re painting all our wood trim white.  Our painting project also resulted in us getting new curtains/curtain rod for the living room and a few other miscellaneous house purchases (coat rack, shelving for the living room, buffet for the dining room).  I need to order pictures to put up on the wall and am trying to figure out wall layout first.  I’d like a new dining room table set and have my eye on one at IKEA but I’m not sure that’s going to happen right now.   We’ve pretty much been bleeding cash and working on house projects every waking moment.  I’m tired.  Energizer Bunny Mike doesn’t seem phased but I’m tired.

The good news is we’re almost done with the wall/ceiling painting part of the project.  Once that is done, we’re going to focus on getting the trim painted, including brand new trim up on the wall that had the plastic paneling.    Once THAT is done, we’ll probably start hanging pictures and stuff on the walls.  I’m hoping we can get done with this project by the end of October.  We shall see. 

For now, here’s pretty much the only wall that has both the wall and trim completely painted.


I think it looks pretty. 🙂