I’m not sure if you’re aware but generally the December to February/March time frame is an ugly, ugly, ugly time in my life.  Work is so stressful and busy that I’m putting in tons of hours and staying at work late.  By the time I get home, my main purpose in life to eat dinner, (hopefully) see the kids before bed, and struggle to remain awake until I blissfully get to go to bed.  Sounds really fun, doesn’t it?    In addition to the personal hell that I call my career, we have 7 family birthdays and a couple of holidays that fall in that time frame.  This year we also planned a weekend-long, mini-vacation to Toronto in January. 

Needless to say, my life becomes more about survival and less about picture taking, photo editing, or blogging. 

Right now, I’m about 2 months behind on blogging, photo editing, etc, etc.  We’re approaching the end of February and I still have to share stuff from mid-December.  The bad thing is, the more I get behind, the harder it is to find the motivation to sit down and work on this stuff.  So it gets worse.  And I keep avoiding it.  So it gets worse.  And I keep avoiding it.  LOL

My promise to you, dear blog reader, is to try to get some of this stuff blogged.  Sooner rather than later since you probably won’t care too much to see Christmas morning pictures posted in June, right?  😉