Back in December, Ian completed his first session of Youth Soccer Academy and received his medal for completing the “season”.

(I’m so behind on blogging that he’ll actually be finishing his second round of soccer next week.  Whoops!)


Videos of his last week of practice:

Warming Up


Scrimmage – in orange


Scrimmage – in green


Ian has a break away and then falls down (he gets his athletic skillz from me LOL)


Post-scrimmage huddle and high-5s


Award ceremony


Ian really seemed to enjoy soccer these past two sessions.  In fact, he enjoyed it enough that we decided not to sign him up for t-ball this spring.  I think we’ll give him at least another year before we try that again.  He enjoyed t-ball but I think he was bored a lot of the time.  I’m not sure if that is an age/maturity issue or a “Ian doesn’t want to play baseball” issue.  We shall see.

Despite enjoying soccer as much as he does, we decided to switch things up a bit and we’ll be enrolling both boys in swimming lessons.  Ian and Matthew love “swimming” (floating while we carry/hold them) in the various hotel pools and beaches we’ve visited so we figured it was the perfect time to start lessons.  🙂