Ian and Matthew started weekly swimming lessons in April at the Tonawanda Aquatic and Fitness Center.  They went Saturday mornings for 30 minute lessons in the big pool.

While Ian seemed to show some improvement over the course of the session, Matthew seemed to lose ground.  After the first class, Matthew jumped into the wading pool and couldn’t get his footing.  I had to frantically ask a lifeguard (that wasn’t paying attention!!!) to help him or else he seriously would have drowned (more likely, I would have jumped in fully clothed in jeans and a hoodie to fish him out myself).  Needless to say, Mr. Fearless turned into Mr. Cowering-in-Fear after that.  He didn’t fight going to the lessons but was absolutely terrified to do much in the pool.  He would freak out if a coach didn’t have their hands on him at all times.

After a few weeks of classes with too many inattentive coaches and too many kids to attend to in the pool, we decided that maybe we needed to change things up in the summer.  We registered them for 4x per week lessons this summer and both showed a huge improvement.  More on that later….

Here’s a picture of Matthew from the first week of spring lessons.