What a summer!  So much going on, so little time to discuss it.

After school let out in June, things kind of went crazy.  Courtney came to town with the kids, had 2 ER visits, and emergency gallbladder surgery.  Due to her surgery and recovery, her visit ending up lasting longer than normal.  It was awesome to see them for so long but life is exponentially more crazy with 2 more kids underfoot.  Work is always a bit nutty but quarter end falling during a holiday always makes it that much more of an adventure.  Ian and Matthew were in 4x per week swim lessons all summer long.  So busy this year….

We were so busy that I literally didn’t take any pictures with my big camera between Ian’s last day of school on June 20th and the last day of swimming lessons on August 15th.  I think 2 months without taking a single picture is a record for me.  On top of our crazy schedule, our PC died.  No blogging.  No photo editing.  Nothing.  Gaaah!!!

Thankfully, we replaced the PC with an iMac and I’m getting back up to speed.  Unfortunately, I’m now 4.5 months behind in blogging.  I’m not really sure how I’m going to catch up at this point.  I may have to do a bunch of 1 picture posts to bring us back up to date.

But nothing is happening this week because we’re going on vacation, baby!!!!