On Matthew’s 4th birthday, we took him to dinner at one of his favorite places: Quaker Steak and Lube.  The timing was perfect.  It was Kid’s Night so Ian and Matthew’s dinners were nearly free and they had video games to play!  Afterward, we headed back home for cake, ice cream, and presents.

Watching the video games:

This is his “stop taking pictures of me” look.  LOL

Time for cake, singing, and presents!

This is a super genuine smile, if you couldn’t tell.  I actually think he was screeching “CHEESE” at me.  LOL

That’s okay because I love his little guts no matter what. 🙂

Blowing out candles:


If you couldn’t understand him, his wish is that we would all be friends. Love him.  🙂




This Zoob car designer kit was a HUGE hit.  We ended up ordering more shortly after his birthday.

Matthew has always loved cats, butterflies, and spiders.  He’s really into pretending to be other things so these wings were a huge hit.


Notice the new rubber spider in his hand?  LOL



“Flying” off the patio to play water guns with Ian:

Matthew also got a pirate costume set that was a big hit.  He loves becoming Jake (from the Neverland Pirates), Jack Sparrow, or sometimes “Pirate Captain Matthew”.  🙂


I took Matthew to the doctor the next week for his annual well-child visit.  There was nothing major to discuss so it was a short visit.

HEIGHT: 41.61″ (80th percentile)

WEIGHT: 36lbs 10oz (50th percentile)

It was a good appointment and an awesome birthday!

(I took the picture below with my phone the day after Matthew’s birthday.  He was watching Mike leave for work and looked so sweet with his wings on.)