The next day, Mike headed to a Washington Nationals baseball game while I took the boys to a VA friend’s birthday party for her daughter.  I have a handful of friends that live in the Northern VA area and generally I only get to see them when I visit Courtney.  It was nice to catch up with everyone and see how much their kids have grown up.

There was a playground next to the park shelter so the kids were in heaven!


Just for reference, this was the last time these 4 were together.  It was October 2008 so Matthew was just 3-4 months old. Clearly Ian wanted nothing to do with picture taking.  LOL

And in February 2008 when I was in VA after Andrew was born (I was pregnant with Matthew):


Believe it or not, there were 2 kids missing from this picture!

And the moms to that herd of kids!

It was really nice hanging out with everyone for a few hours.  After we got back to the hotel, we went to dinner and then visited with Courtney a little bit.  We were all getting really excited for the Outer Banks the next day.

(In a funny coincidence, my friend in the white shorts was in the Outer Banks the same week as us.  She stayed maybe a mile or two from us but we never managed to find time to meet up.  Maybe we can meet up the next time we go on vacation together! 😉 )