We have had big birthday parties when the boys turned one and then held off doing another big party until they turned 5.  This year was Matthew’s turn to have a big party and we chose to have it at Bounce Magic.  Originally we were thinking that an indoor party would be a good idea because it takes bad weather out of the equation.  This year, we were super glad we had it indoors because it was about 3,842 degrees outside.  Gorgeous but 3,842 degrees.  LOL  We were all glad to be indoors in the A/C!

In keeping with the hot summer “theme”, we used sand pails and shovels for party favors and filled them with candy, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, water balls, and water balloons.  Wegmans was kind enough to be selling cupcakes in the exact same blue/green color scheme.   Wasn’t that nice of them?!?

Bounce Magic has a ton of bounce houses, a mini-golf course, arcade, a rock climbing wall, and a handful of other things.  It was a really great place for a birthday party!

Please note that my 7 year old is only about a head shorter than me.  LOL

I love these boys.  🙂


The party animals!

Soon it was time for pizza, cupcakes, and presents!

And keeping with tradition, Matthew managed to get himself covered in icing before we sang “Happy Birthday” to him! LOL


The icing situation just got worse as he ate his cupcake.  LOL

Silly boy.

When will my sister and brother-in-law learn?  Take silly pictures/videos and I will post them. 🙂



Thank you, Dad for not giving in!


Next up:  presents!

The theme of the day was Legos and vehicles!

Xander showing everyone how the light up bricks/building toy thingy works.  LOL


(If you watch it long enough, you can see bratty ungratefulness at the 4:30ish mark.  Embarrassing party behavior for the win!  LOL)

A successful party!


After we got home and unloaded Matthew’s goodies, the boys played on the slip’n slide with Aunt Jackie.  And got some pretty fierce tattoos that required some tough guy poses.  LOL


(Ian hurt his ankle a bit the last time we had the slip’n slide out so he was a bit timid at first.)

I have to say, I think Ian’s face here is more Popeye than it is tough guy.  LOL

It was a fun party!  Thank you to our friends and family that came to celebrate with us!