Ian’s first Cub Scouts meeting was a few days after registration. It was a full pack meeting (all the boys in Cub Scouts) and a welcome back picnic for the whole family. Ian wore his new t-shirt. After everyone got settled and they started the Pack meeting, they had the boys sit by den (all […]
Last year, we intended to sign Ian up for Cub Scouts but my trip to Ireland kind of took over the month of September and it didn’t happen. When school started this year and we got a flyer about signing up for Cub Scouts, we put the registration meeting on the calendar so we wouldn’t […]
We made our annual trip up to Lewiston for the Niagara County Peach Festival. The boys rode some carnival rides, we played “I got it” (and I won!), and we got some peach treats. Matthew’s first trip down the big slide by himself. He was NOT a fan. LOL Matthew riding in the blue car […]
Less stressful than the first day! Although still a little confusing! LOL http://youtu.be/jeNEaQqGbxE
First day of 2nd grade! First day of Kindergarten! HERE COMES THE BUS!!!! OR NOT! http://youtu.be/1QnCUeOWYpI After waiting ages for the bus to come back and a long call to the transportation department, they sent the bus back. It was empty because it had already dropped the original busload of kids off at the school. […]