Amanda on February 16th, 2014

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Amanda on February 15th, 2014

Ian got a few books from the library over the Christmas break.  Here’s how he spent some quality reading time after getting home from the library. What?  You don’t read while kneeling on the kitchen counter?!?!?!

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Amanda on February 14th, 2014

Monopoly Empire Cardboard models Crayola Light Designer Easy Bake Oven (He made a cheese pizza!) Just about to put it in the oven! Super excited to taste the finished pizza! He loved it!

Continue reading about Enjoying their gifts

Amanda on February 13th, 2014

We had our annual bingo game after Christmas and Mike and I pretty much gave our money away to everyone else.  LOL

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Amanda on February 12th, 2014

Andrew slept over at our house a couple of times around Christmas.  We had movie night and watched Smurfs 2, ate popcorn, and munched on M&Ms and cookies.  Everyone had a great time!

Continue reading about Cousins sleepover