Amanda on February 11th, 2014

CHRISTMAS EVE We spent Christmas Eve with the Samulskis this year. CHRISTMAS His face says it all, doesn’t it? LOL Playing their new games: Videos from our morning: Later that morning, my side of the family came over for presents and lunch. Matthew got a cat bed for all of […]

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Amanda on February 10th, 2014

A few days before Christmas, we had a nasty storm come through the area with heavy rain and high winds.  Around 2am-ish, I woke up at the sound of a nearby power line/transformer blowing which resulted in us losing power.  In our half asleep haze, Mike told me to set the alarm for an hour […]

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Amanda on February 9th, 2014

My friend Jill and I decided to sign our 4 boys up for a shift ringing a bell for the Salvation Army before Christmas.  We decided to split a 2 hour shift because we weren’t sure how well the kids would do for 2 full hours.  I think it was a good call.  Matthew was […]

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Amanda on February 8th, 2014

Matthew has gorgeous eyelashes.  Its hard to get a picture that shows how pretty they are…this was the best I could come up with. Is it weird to be jealous of your 5 year old’s eyelashes?  LOL

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Amanda on February 7th, 2014

In early December, Mike and Ian had something going on for Cub Scouts so Matthew and I chilled at home.  I found him pooped out on the couch like this.  Nothing better than a nap on the couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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