I thought I’d post some pictures of Ian’s first tball game before the season ends next week. 😉

Ian’s enjoyed playing tball this year. Once they hit the half-way point of the season, they started doing coach-pitch hitting instead of using the tee. He’s been hitting better since then. We struggled a bit with his running (he’d kind of take a slow stroll around the bases, in no hurry to get to the next base) but that has improved in the last few weeks too. In the last week or so, they started calling kids out at the bases and I’m proud to say that Ian did not cry when he got called out. 🙂

Here are just a fraction of the 200 pictures I took that first night of tball. LOL

I highly suggest you watch the video of Ian’s first at bat. It is so funny. Simple, routine things like “drop the bat after you hit the ball” become bigger issues when you’re talking about 5 year olds that have never played the game before. You can really see how it was pretty much complete chaos those first few games and practices. Thankfully, the whole team has improved since then. 🙂

All geared up for the game:

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Practicing his “baseball ready” position:

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Doing fielding drills:

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Ian’s team:

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Ian all geared up for his first at bat:

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Ready to take his first swing:

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It’s a hit!!!

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Running to first (I really enjoy the pile up of kids trying to get the ball in the background):

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Getting some instructions from the 1st base “coach”:

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Chatting with the dads manning 3rd base:

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Running home:

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Woo hoo! He scored!

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It’s like he won a marathon:

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Second at bat:

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Getting some instructions from Coach about his stance:

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After scoring his second run:

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Video of him playing pitcher (holy bad video taking by Mike, sorry!):

Rachel, Nick and Matthew:

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Almost married!!!

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Waiting for his next at bat:

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Game over!

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Go Red Sox!!!

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