Now that the cards have been addressed, mailed and received…I thought I’d share the story of how our Christmas cards came to life. 🙂

According to online dictionaries, “fiasco” means a complete failure. I wouldn’t say our excursion to get a family picture for our Christmas cards was a complete failure. But it sure was frustrating, exhausting and irritating. 😉

Trying to get a nice shot of 4 people at the same time is a challenge. Throw in the fact that one can’t sit unassisted and one refuses to hold still and it becomes a challenge of monumental proportions. I’m REALLY looking forward to the day the boys will both cooperate for me at the same time…unfortunately, we’re YEARS away from that day.

I gave my mom a 15 minute lesson on how to work my camera, adjusted the settings and handed it over. Mom did an awesome job and we got some nice shots.

I went home and uploaded the shots, very excited to see some keepers. After days and days of editing and obsessing, I finally created the final product:

Final card!

This is my favorite “outtake”…notice the bribe in his hand?


More pictures online at Shutterfly!