After a full morning of playing and a yummy lunch with Grammy, Papaw and Momma, Ian couldn’t bear to stay awake one more minute.

I drove home and was shaking his leg, squeezing his foot and tickling his belly. He still fell asleep. I got him OUT of his carseat and carried him upstairs while he snored on my shoulder.

I put him on the bed. Unzipped his jacket. When downstairs for my camera. Took 10 pictures. Took his shoes off. Undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants. It wasn’t until I TOOK HIS PANTS OFF did he stir. I changed his diaper and put him in the crib and back to sleep he went.

Isn’t he just too cute???

Yesterday after we got our tree, Ian was playing in the van:

And not very happy with me when I got him out:

Notice the bruise in the middle of his forehead (above, sleeping pictures)? Yeah, he has taken to hitting his head when having temper tantrums. It makes for really attractive bruises in the middle of his forehead.