Now that summer is approaching, we’re spending a lot of time playing outside. Here are a few pictures of last night.

Matthew, unfortunately, is spending a lot of time caged in.


If he’d stop putting everything in his mouth, we’d let him out to play. But he won’t.

The boys spend a lot of time at the sand and water table.



(Please note that Matthew has about 2x the body fat that Ian has. haha)

The sand and water table keeps them both occupied and the water and umbrella do a great job of keeping them cool.

Unfortunately, given Matthew’s tendency to try and eat everything not nailed down, it means I have to sit beside him in the grass. Which I hate because it itches. Which also means I end up with 10 bug bites all over my legs and arms. Literally, I have about 10 bug bites from this weekend alone.

Ian in his little 3 year old way decides he wants his shirt off like his brother…and then 2 minutes later is wigging out because he wants his shirt on.


Poor guy was pretty tired so I forgive him. But it didn’t stop me from taking a picture. haha

Matthew decides to make a break for the garden hose that is out and refuses to keep the darn thing OUT of his mouth.



Trying to determine if it’s worth risking my scolding to get that green deliciousness in his mouth…


Going in for the kill…


Aaaah, yes! There it is. Notice his eyes are watching me very carefully? haha


I swear I say “MATTHEW!!! NO!!! NO BITES!!!” 3,000,000 times per day. It’s a good thing he’s my little cuddle bug. When we’re outside, he comes over all the time to visit me and then let’s me hug and kiss him.


I sure do love those boys!