Matthew has the fattest feet I’ve EVER seen on a baby. They aren’t particularly wide feet. They’re just THICK feet. (Like, the thickness between the top of his foot and the soles of his foot.) His poor feet look like a 9 month pregnant woman’s swollen feet.

Now that Matthew is more mobile, the constant crawling and “walking” on his feet is taking its toll. He was out playing a week or two ago and I noticed his little toe was bleeding a bit from rubbing the sidewalk. Getting some shoes has become a priority so that we can protect his feet from too much wear and tear.

Although Matthew is probably no more than a size 3 or 4 shoe in terms of length but it’s been darn near impossible to find one that allows for the thickness of his foot. I’ve pulled out Ian’s old shoes. I can’t squeeze them on. I’ve bought 2 or 3 pair of slip-on soft leather shoes and there isn’t enough give in those either. I got him some adjustable strap sandals last night that might work but he’s not a big fan. Since Matthew’s gone 12 months without shoes, I think the weight of the sandals bothers him.

Today, we went to the mall and I checked out the Crocs shoe store with Matthew. Crocs are the best shoes for kids and I was able to find a pair that fit Matthew perfectly in both length AND thickness. I think the colors are pretty cute too!

Here are Matthew’s first pair of Crocs!
(Although I love the shoes I bought, I’m a little ticked that I spent $20 more on these than they’re priced online! What the heck!?!)



The best part about the shoes is that they double as a great teething toy! Matthew is pretty good about leaving them on his feet but still enjoys ripping them off and shoving them in his mouth. No different than what he does with his socks! πŸ™‚