This time we took Courtney, Andrew, Nick, Rachel and Grammy and Papaw. Ian was a little touch-n-go at times but overall I’d say we had a really nice time. Matthew rode a bunch more rides this time around. He was a pretty good sport about it.

Matthew’s first ride of the day was the carousel which we all rode together (see Nick and Rachel in the background?):


The rest of the carousel-riding gang:

My favorite older sister and nephew:

(Just an explanation: Mike calls Matthew “Tiny” or “Tiner”. We used to call Ian “The Tink” because he was a stinky baby. (Get it? Stink? Tink?) When Matthew was born, he too was a smelly-diapered little boy but since Ian was already “Tink”, Matthew became “Tiny Tink”….eventually that got shorted to “Tiny” or “Tiner”. haha)

Next we took a spin on the old-fashioned cars:

(Can you hear Ian wigging out in the background? Good times, good times!)

We took a break for lunch and watched some performers:





Then we walked over to the “bumpy roller coaster” dead end area to let Ian ride a few rides a bazillion times and to let the little guys run around a bit.

Matthew doing “so big” in the stroller while he waits for his big brother:

Rachel and Andrew taking a break from watching Ian on the roller coaster:

Some of the girls posed for a quick picture:

Papaw and Matthew went on the “kite” ride. Matthew liked it the first time around but most definitely was freaking out during the second time on the ride:

Later on, Ian and I rode some sort of “popcorn” ride.

I rode it once and decided I’d had enough of that. Not sure when I became an amusement park wimp but once was definitely enough. Ian rode a second time with Aunt Rachel.

Later on, Rachel and Papaw rode the monster trucks with Ian and Andrew.



Meanwhile, Mike and Matthew checking out a small stream in the kids area:

We had a lot of fun and ended up leaving the park around 6pm or so. Not too shabby!