We decided to celebrate Father’s Day by going out strawberry picking in the morning. We drove out to a farm in Clarence and had a lot of fun. Matthew ate so many strawberries, I’m not quite sure how he didn’t get sick off of them.

I don’t think we’d taken 2 steps down the path before Matthew looked like this:

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Because of the strange spring we had this year, the strawberry pickings were a bit slim. But there were definitely strawberries to be had.

You just had to look for them under the leaves:

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Hunting for berries:

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Still eating:

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And eating:

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Ian posing with our take:

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And I shall call him “Red Beard”:

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(Do you see the strawberry juice on Mike’s forearm? LOL)

Daddy and his babies:

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Family shot:

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Me and Matthew:

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Me and the boys:

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(Notice Matthew is eating another strawberry. And that he attempted to shove it in my mouth first, leaving strawberry juice on my face near the left side of my mouth. LOL)


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We are definitely doing this again next year. These were, BY FAR, the best strawberries I have EVER eaten!

After nap time, we went to Mike’s grandfather’s house for a cookout with his side of the family. It was a really nice Father’s Day. 🙂