*He’s so darn smart. At two, he already knew all of his letters by sight. And at two and a half, he knows the numbers 0 – 20! We’re currently working on 20 – 30.
*My personal favorite is when he says the number eleven (“a one-in”).
*He can identify: square, circle, triangle, star, heart (“hark”) and moon.
*He knows lots of colors: blue, red, yellow, green, purple, black, white, orange and pink.
*He’s very polite (when he feels likes it) and says: thank you, please, and you’re welcome.
*He likes to fix things when they’re stuck (“suck”!) or broken.
*He likes to ask everyone what they’re doing.
*He is a love bug and gives lots of kisses when we ask. I’m going to be sad when he decides to start withholding them.
*He’s my big boy but will always be my baby.