
Amanda on May 9th, 2009

I was trying hard to get a nice shot of Daddy and Matthew… …when, out of nowhere, Matthew’s cheesy smile appeared!

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Amanda on May 7th, 2009

Last night went well. I went to bed too late but the only overnight issues we had was Ian around 2:30am. Must have been a nightmare because he was pretty much incoherent and immediately went back to sleep. Yay for a well-rested family! This morning, I made the bed 🙂 Matthew demanded to be removed […]

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Amanda on May 7th, 2009

This is the story of Wednesday night for Daddy who is living it up in Cooperstown, NY…chilling in his hotel room watching the Yankees on the YES network. 🙂 (my apologies to all innocent bystanders who have to witness my disgusting pink bathroom from hell) First, Ian brushed his teeth: Next, it was pee-pees on […]

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Amanda on May 6th, 2009

Matthew kicked back on the bed…having some breakfast Giving me the look, the “shouldn’t you be getting ready for work” look Daddy has perfected…. Ian not so amused about my inability to make Special Agent Oso appear on any tv, at any time. Matthew fascinated with the bottom of his bottle thus getting formula all […]

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Amanda on April 12th, 2009

iPod Shuffle He’s been talking about wanting one for a while now…I was going to try to get it for him for Father’s Day or his birthday but things came to a head this week when he moved into his new office at work. He NEEDED an iPod. 🙂 I almost got caught Friday night […]

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