Potty Talk
Yesterday, Ian didn’t have ANY accidents, had a dry pull-up at naptime AND went poop on the potty. Today, Ian woke up with a wet pull-up but hasn’t had ANY accidents. And that includes a several hour field trip to a local farm for school. AND, when we got home, Ian pooped on the potty […]
HE POOPED ON THE POTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a reward, he got 2 matchbox cars, 2 giant balloons and a Frosty from Wendy’s. Can you tell we were excited?!?!??! I was out shopping when he pooped so Mike called me to give me the good news. Ian was so excited about what he had done that they […]
No accidents all day Monday. Still no poop. 🙁
Ian went pee-pee on the potty all by himself! Completely unprompted. Completely unsupervised. YAY!!!! Mike went out and Ian was watching tv. I was on the computer in the basement when I heard Ian yelling “I went pee-pees on the potty! I went pee-pees on the potty!” I ran upstairs to find him climbing up […]
And…I was right. He was “holding it”. Poop, I mean. He pooped in his pull-up at about 2:00-2:30am last night. 🙁