I was going through the pictures on the computer to see how far behind I am in sharing when I found this gem from March. Ian routinely goes through phases where he’s obsessed with stuff. At the time, he had a bit of a Nascar obsession and had been watching a bunch of DVRd races. […]
I have had a really long week at work and came home at 5pm on Saturday to a big banner on the wall that said “Happy Mother’s Day”. Since Ian and Mike were so excited about it, they gave me their gifts then. Ian and Matthew decorated the wall and got me a singing card. […]
(Disclaimer: video taken with my phone)
Here are some videos I took last weekend. Ian was in the middle of a time out/fit and Matthew insisted on pushing the “police siren” button in his car. The noise is a bit distracting but I wanted to get some video of Matthew being Matthew. He doesn’t talk much and REFUSES to say “momma”. […]
Today was a “Sunbeam Sunday” day in church where the preschoolers sing in the service. Since the church doesn’t have childcare during the 8AM service, we asked Mike’s family to come along to help us wrangle Matthew. Ian did an AWESOME job singing and did really well at being quiet for the remainder of the […]