Work Stuff
I’ve been traveling for work quite a bit this October, working tons of hours, and being spending a lot of time in Cleveland. For some reason, Cleveland’s suburbs don’t appear to have many coffee shops. As a result, I’ve spent more time in Starbucks this month than I have in the last 5 years. I’m […]
At the end of August, I had to go to Albuquerque for a few days for work. It was a short trip so I didn’t get to do any sight-seeing. Here are some pictures from my trip. Mostly pics from the window of my plane. On my flight to Atlanta, this sweet puppy flew […]
I’m on my way to Ireland for two weeks to fill in for a co-worker that is out on medical leave. I should have some time to explore while I’m there and I am hoping that I see some amazing sights. If I see things that are half as beautiful as these pictures, I’ll be […]
April. What can I say? April chewed me up, spit me out, and then chewed me up one more time for good measure. I am so glad to put this month behind me…..maybe now I’ll get some time to blog.
I have about a 2-3 hour break before I’m expected to show up for a pre-dinner reception and several hour dinner….I thought I’d spend it blogging about my trip down to the Nemacolin resort. (Please excuse the quality of the pictures, I took them from my phone.) I picked up my coworker from her hotel […]